
We are a Czech brand producing horse bags for manure, manure catchers, manure’s hard to tell how to name this new product correctly :-)

Our bags are produced only in black colour from high-quality technical fabric with double hydrophobic treatment, high abrasion and tear resistance, color fastness. You can choose from three sizes - minipony, pony/COB and FULL

Free Snoozers sticker with every purchase

minisize manure bag55 Euro
COB size manure bag59 Euro
FULL size manure bag63 Euro

If your order will be bigger than 3 pieces, we can calculate for you better price, or if you are interested in selling our bags in your country, we also can give you special prices. Just let us know on -

The idea of creating Snoozers bags was born in our heads in late summer of 2019, when some lady started screaming at us while we were on a walk with our horses.
I won’t lie and say that we didn’t feel any anger at that moment. We did, but more than anger it was despair, regret and partly also understanding of why she was angry. I wanted to go back to the lady and explain the situation to her and what I can and cannot do at the moment. I felt really terrible, I consider myself - somewhat, at least a little valuable inhabitant of the village, who not only gives other citizens a place to spend their free time (thanks to our campus, equestrian club, small zoo, organizing cultural events, etc…), we conscientiously cleanse our horse manure, and I didn't run away from it this time either…. and I really don't deserve a lady to scream at me out the window…

However, I was told that I shouldn´t visit the lady again and that it made no sense, and it probably really didn’t. But what made sense was to prevent it, absolutely... then everything went fast. The very next day after the inconvenience, I called my mom with an idea and she told me that she had the same idea. The third day I had a dream about the name, so i put it in the translater and it came out as „put aside“…yes! Put – the horse poop – aside into the bag :-D done!
Than testing and reworking followed. Searching for the material supplier, correspondence with companies in China, eventually the purchase of material in the Czech Republic – wrong one. Another purchase of material, but this time we sat in the car and preferred to visit the supplier in person. Search and purchase of new sewing machine, endless testing and remodeling of individual bags. It went really fast and now we stand here with humility and finished product. We will be grateful for any comments and ideas for improvement.

We hope it will serve well! The streets will be cleaner and people will be more friendly to each other...

Frequently Asked Questions


- simply to the English or Western saddle, or possibly to the handles. You need a metal ring at the back of the saddle, if the saddle does not have it, it is possible to buy a "T" insert between the seat cushions, which is often used for attaching the under tale holder and serves equally well (in equestrian items it costs about 200-300, - CZK)
There are three straps for fastening - one upper and two side straps. Carefully thread the tail through the first strap and attach the top strap to the rear eyelet at the saddle or "T". Then the side straps - those leading along the side of the horse under the sidewall of the saddle (England) and snap to the front eye that each saddle has (where the bust is fastened). As soon as I have all three straps fastened to the saddle, I check the tightness. All must be well tightened, not overloaded! The last step is to attach the tail of the horse to the bag using Velcro, this doesn´t need to be tightened and ensures that the horse raises the tail - it also lifts the back of the bag and opens it so that everything falls beautifully inside.


Of course, every horse is different. Some may not respond to the bag at all, others may. Mostly the more sensitive horses may not trust the bag at first. It is necessary to familiarize with the bag before the rider sits on the horse or before it is taken for a ride. If you do not know how to do this, ask a coach or a more experienced person.


With a gelding – no problem :-) and mares? Almost the same… urine either flows into the bag and immediately flows away because there are still two small holes at the bottom or hit under the bag and then the scenario is the same - urine flows. Then, of course, it is recommended to wash the bag as well as after a great use. Urine is aggressive and could harm the material.


Simply wash it with a stream of water and allow to dry afterwards. In case of heavy soiling, dried residues I can also use soap and wash it by hand or let it soak. Do not use the VAP.


Of course, after what needs to be done is done, the bag becomes heavy and begins to rock slightly on the horse, while walking imperceptibly, in trot a little more and so proportionally on. Our bag has one huge advantage! If I ride in the riding arena, where I don't want anything to fall out of my bag, I have straps from the unloader very tight and after it’s done (also depends on size :-) I have to ideally climb down and load it somewhere. If I have a bag somewhere on the ride in nature, I leave the straps medium tight and when the horse does its needs and I go through the inhabited part slowly, everything is OK and nothing falls out. As soon as I am on the first meadow, I start to trot and the manure will sink through the side holes in a moment as it shakes. Once the bag is empty again, it will be lightweight again and the horse won’t almost feel it.